Touch-free wall mounted sensor tap

The first flagship envisioned by Louis Renault opened its doors on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées in 1910. Over a century later, Renault embarked on a significant project to rehabilitate the 2,350 square meters of this iconic space. The renovation embraces a minimalist aesthetic, emphasizing enhanced functionality and strong environmental quality, reflecting a return to “common sense” in architectural design. The project is set to span approximately two years, culminating in the reopening in 2024. Upon completion, visitors and customers will experience Renault’s new flagship, transformed into an experience lab that showcases all of the brand’s mobility solutions. The interior will feature a selection of Duten Koveta matte black taps and sanitary accessories, a trendy and versatile choice that complements various sanitary fixtures. The T520 unit was chosen for their space-saving design. Once installed, the only visible element will be a discreet wall opening, providing access to the paper towel dispenser and waste bin.